Raven gallery

After posting the cosplay recipe, here is a new Raven Fan Art gallery (produced using seaArt)

If you would like to Join the SeaArt community – feel free to use my invitation link at https://www.seaart.ai/u/XXL10R

Raven Cosplay Recipe

Raven Cosplay Recipe:


  • Purple long wig with bangs
  • Indigo or black leotard or bodysuit
  • Long black cloak or cape with high collar
  • Black knee-high boots
  • Dark purple or black gloves
  • Dark eye makeup or black face paint for the signature “goth” look
  • Red contact lenses for the glowing eyes effect
  • Belt with a circular buckle
  • Intricate silver or black jewelry or accessories (black bird Halloween prop)
  • Purple gemstone or crystal for the forehead


  1. Start by donning the purple long wig with bangs to capture Raven’s hairstyle. Style the wig to match her sleek and straight look.
  2. Slip into an indigo, blue or black leotard or bodysuit as the base of the costume. Make sure it fits snugly and provides a sleek silhouette.
  3. Drape yourself in a long black cloak or cape with a high collar to mimic Raven’s mysterious and gothic appearance. The cloak should flow and cover most of your body.
  4. Step into black knee-high boots to complete the outfit. Choose a pair that is comfortable and matches the aesthetic of Raven’s character.
  5. Put on dark purple or black gloves to add a touch of elegance and complete the costume.
  6. Apply dark eye makeup or black face paint to achieve Raven’s gothic look. Emphasize the eyes with smoky eyeshadow and define the eyebrows with a dark shade.
  7. Insert red contact lenses to recreate Raven’s glowing eyes effect. Ensure that you follow proper instructions and maintain eye safety.
  8. Secure a belt with a circular buckle around your waist to accentuate the costume. Choose a belt that matches the color scheme and adds a touch of detail.
  9. Adorn yourself with intricate silver or black jewelry or accessories. Consider wearing a choker necklace, rings, or bracelets to enhance the character’s dark and mystical vibe.
  10. Finally, place a purple gemstone or crystal on your forehead to emulate Raven’s signature stone. You can use a temporary adhesive or a forehead jewel to securely attach the stone.

Now, embrace the power of Raven and bring her enigmatic presence to life!

Note: Feel free to add your own personal touches and interpretations to make the cosplay unique and reflective of your style. Enjoy the transformation!

Lady Death recipe for cosplayer

Lady Death Cosplay Recipe:


  • Long flowing platinum white wig
  • Black or dark-colored corset, black sleeve gloves
  • Black leather or PVC leggings
  • Knee-high black boots
  • Elbow-length black gloves with little golden skulls
  • White or silver body paint for a pale complexion
  • Red contact lenses for an eerie gaze
  • A prop scythe, spear or sword
  • Intricate skull jewelry or accessories
  • Red or dark-colored cape or cloak


  1. Start by donning the long flowing wig to achieve Lady Death’s signature hairstyle.
  2. Put on the black or dark-colored corset to enhance your figure and create a powerful presence.
  3. Slip into the black leather or PVC leggings for a sleek and edgy look.
  4. Step into the knee-high black boots to add that extra touch of fierceness.
  5. Slide on the elbow-length black gloves to complete the ensemble and add a touch of elegance.
  6. Apply white or silver body paint to achieve Lady Death’s pale complexion. Make sure to blend it well for a smooth and flawless finish.
  7. Put in red contact lenses to capture the eerie and piercing gaze of Lady Death.
  8. Grab a prop sword, scythe or spear to embody her powerful and deadly nature. Customize it with your own creative touch.
  9. Adorn yourself with intricate skull jewelry or accessories to emphasize Lady Death’s connection to the afterlife.
  10. Finally, drape yourself in a black or dark-colored cape or cloak to add an air of mystery and drama to your cosplay.

Now, step into character and bring Lady Death to life!

Note: Don’t forget to add your own personal touch and creativity to make the cosplay truly unique and reflective of your own style and interpretation. Enjoy the transformation!

Back in black (and white)

After a brief hiatus, I’m excited to announce that I am back and will be writing again on my blog soon! I’ve missed connecting with you all and sharing my Fan Art and experiences. During my time away, enjoying the end of year festivity, I’ve gathered inspiration, reflected on new ideas, and I can’t wait to bring them to life through my writing.

To mark this fresh start, I wanted to share with you a stunning black and white picture that perfectly encapsulates the mood and atmosphere I hope to create with my upcoming posts.

Stay tuned for thought-provoking articles, captivating Fan Art, and insightful reflections.

I look forward to reconnecting with you all and starting this new chapter together.

Bunny overload

A bunny overload, as you may envision it, would likely be a whimsical and fantastical sight to behold. Picture a world where bunnies reign supreme, with an abundance of bunnies in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Here’s one possible description of a bunny overload:

Fields of lush green grass stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with colorful flowers blooming in vibrant hues. The air is filled with the soft rustling of bunny paws and the occasional thump as they playfully hop around. Bunnies of all sizes frolic in the sunshine, their fluffy tails bobbing in rhythm with their joyful leaps.

In this bunny overload, you might see bunnies engaged in various activities. Some bunnies would be munching on carrots and other delectable vegetables, their adorable noses twitching with every bite. Others might be engaged in playful games of tag, hopping and chasing each other through fields of clover.

But perhaps the most enchanting part of this bunny overload would be the overwhelming sense of joy and innocence that permeates the air. Watching bunnies play, hop, and interact with each other would bring a smile to anyone’s face, reminding us of the simple pleasures and the beauty of nature.

Ultimately the future is unwritten

There are signs of impending revolution including widespread protests, social movements, and a growing unrest among the population.

Societal tensions and challenges persist (real estate crisis, inflation, open conflicts, etc …), and there are ongoing discussions and movements for change.

Whether these movements will evolve into full-scale revolutions or lead to alternative forms of change is uncertain. It is up to the collective actions, aspirations, and choices of people to shape the future.


December is here

Once upon a time, in the magical place of my blog, there was a new gallery. But little did anyone know, it had some unexpected additions. First, there was Neringa herself, dressed as a Playboy Bunny. Quite a sight to behold! Then, Neringa transformed into a stunning beauty oriental princess, enchanting all who laid eyes on her. But wait, there’s more! Neringa decided to hit the beach, turning heads with her radiant presence. She even took on the persona of Neringa Angewomon, showing off her unique style. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any funnier, Neringa decided to become Cammy White, surprising everyone with her versatile nature. In fact, her gallery grew to over 600+ images, showcasing her many transformations. Meanwhile, in the Magic Forest of Lithuania, Neringa continued to captivate with her charm and allure. And if that wasn’t enough, you could even reach her at Neringa witch! Talk about a multi-talented bunny with a sense of humor!

In a world teetering on the edge of collapse, amidst chaos and uncertainty, there emerged an unexpected savior. And what did this desperate world need? More cowbell. Yes, you read that right. As strange as it may sound, the solution to our problems lay in the rhythmic clang of a cowbell.

People from all walks of life, from the bustling cities to the remote countryside, came together with a common mission: to bring forth the power of the cowbell and restore harmony to their world. We will form a global coalition, known as the Federation of Cowbell Enthusiasts, or FCE for short.

Pink bunny story

Once upon a time in a magical land called Fluffinville, there lived a kind bunny named Monica. Monica had a beautiful, bright pink fur, which made her stand out from all the other bunnies in the meadow.

Monica loved to explore big ideas and share her wisdom with her friends, the squirrels and birds. One day, a curious bunny named Liam hopped over to her and asked, “Monica, why is your fur so pink?”

Monica smiled and replied, “Liam, my pink fur is unique, just like yours is beige! It reminds me to embrace who I am and to celebrate the differences that make us special.”

Liam felt inspired by Monica’s words. He realized that he too had his own special qualities and talents. And so Liam started using his paws to create beautiful art, sharing his creativity with the other animals.

News of Monica’s wisdom spread throughout Fluffinville, and animals from near and far came to seek her guidance. They learned that being different was something to be proud of, and Fluffinville became a place where every creature felt accepted and loved.

And so, Monica’s pink fur became a symbol of love and acceptance in Fluffinville. It reminded everyone to embrace their true selves and celebrate the diversity that made their land so magical.

From that day forward, Monica and all the animals of Fluffinville lived happily, spreading love and acceptance throughout the land, and embracing their individuality in the most wonderful way.